
All Things Are Possible

The last couple of weeks have been more busy than usual.  With that comes exhaustion, and with exhaustion, a familiar fear:

"There's no way I can handle another child."

And yet we've been putting one foot in front of the other out of sheer obedience to God, believing with all our hearts that He is behind this crazy idea.

Last week we had to submit our I-600 A.  In laymen's terms (from what I gather), it gets the process going to allow our little one to become a US citizen.  Along with this form, we had to submit a check for $720 to the Department of Homeland Security, and another check for fingerprints.

That night John and I went over the enormity of the financial mountain before us.  We concluded our conversation with prayer, and asked God to provide.

Thursday morning I went to a ladies Bible study at Faith Chapel.  During the songs, a friend of mine handed me a card that someone else had given her.  When I opened the card I could not believe my eyes.

This card came from a kind woman I don't even know super well.  Last year we were in a few meetings together but this year I have only passed her in the hall maybe once. I'm not even sure how she knew that we are adopting, but her card simply said:

"With God, All Things Are Possible".

And out fell a check for $720.

Seven hundred and twenty dollars!  Not $700 even, or even $725 or $750, but $720.  The EXACT same number I had written on a check just the day before.

I took a picture just because I wanted others to get to see it too.  My carbon copy check is the one on top, and hers on bottom (I covered her address and bank number, thought that'd be the kind thing to do while blogging publicly).  You can see the date on mine is 3/20, and the date on hers is 3/21.

Even more than the financial aspect of it, her family's gift truly brightened my entire soul!  It gave me renewed hope that we must surely be on the right path and God has not brought us this far to watch us fail.


The Marshall Family said...

You and John's faith and trust in God's plan - even though you may doubt it and question it at times - is so inspiring. We are so blessed to call you some of our dearest friends and privileged that we get to embark on this journey with you! This was such an exciting post to read and brings so much excitement and joy to my heart! Love you friend!!

Tanzosh said...

I love being able to watch this unfold!!!! God is so good...and praise for others who are obedient to God when He tells them to bless someone else finanacially.