
The Wait

Lately we've been asked quite a bit where we are at in the adoption process, so here's a mini update:

We submitted our dossier (a huge pile of paperwork) at the end of March.  What a relief to have this part over with/officially out of our hands and into God's and His perfect timing.  Now we are on the "list", waiting for that fateful phone call that will tell us that they've found a child who matches our criteria.  We'll be asked to go to our computer, and then we'll open up the image of the little man who will be joining our family.

In the meantime, we wait.  And we pray.

We'd love it if you'd join us in praying too.  Our main prayer requests are:

1.  That he would get plenty of affection and held often.
2.  That he would get enough nutrition and food daily.
3.  Protection from sickness and danger.
4.  That he would come home as soon as possible in God's perfect time.
5.  That we'd enjoy our time with Maggie, Sawyer and Violet until then.

Thank you for joining in this journey with us.  It means so much.

p.s.  We finished filming our video 2 weeks ago and now Luke and Amy are editing it.  There is no guarantee our video will be "picked" to be featured on Give1Save1, but they choose their next lineup of videos on the 3rd Sunday in May.

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